Sage Smudge Starter Kit
Our smudge kit is the essential beginners smudging setup equipped with all the tools you will need to become a shaman-level smudging master. Smudging is practiced to purify and cleanse living or working spaces, or to bless individuals with the power of herbal smoke. Each variety of sage has a specific use that will banish negativity and draw upon positive energies.
Kit includes:
• 4" White Sage Stick
• 1 Stick of Palo Santo - A sacred South American holy wood known to promote joy, reduce stress, and enhance clarity. Burn Palo Santo to cleanse your space of negative energies and bring a spiritual calm to your surroundings.
• 4" Sweet grass Sage - A potent cleanser used by Native Americans in ceremonial traditions to attract good spirits. Follow up your smudging practice with sweet grass to reintroduce positive energy into your space.
• 4"-6" Turkey Feather - Traditionally used to guide healing smoke and spread over the person or place being cleansed or healed of negative energy.
• 4"-5" Abalone Shell - Used to catch hot cinders and ash from smudging herbs. Also a representation of water, an essential element in the practice of smudging rituals.
• Includes Cleansing instructions and a ritual.
By law we are required to say that we sell these products as Curios. Products sold on this site are NOT to be internally digested, and that includes the herbs. By purchasing these products you are stating that you are at least 18 years of age. This product is not meant to replace medical treatment or intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any type of disease. Refunds or exchanges are not permitted.