Manglier Immunity Blend

Seasonal colds, flu, sinuses, allergies, and other viral and respiratory infections can significantly affect your professional and personal lives. The situations are worsened when accompanied by chills, fatigue, fever, body aches, coughs, and congestion. When you’re battling a cold or the flu, one of the best things you can do for your health is get a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, getting quality sleep is sometimes easier said than done.

And that is why we developed this version of the Manglier Immunity Blend! So that you can keep your body’s natural defenses. This proprietary loose leaf tea blend is designed to help you stay healthy, recover quicker if you're sick, and help you build your strength and immune system so that you can get back to enjoying life.

This tea is packed with natural herbs that work well to boost your immune system and provide you with essential vitamins and antioxidants that help your body fight against colds, the flu, allergies, viral infections, and other seasonal threats such as COVID.

Our Immunity Blend is a POWERHOUSE and IMMUNITY SHIELD: it's not just for cold and flu season but can be used year-round because of it's natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.

What makes our Immunity Blend so special is the harmonious combination of Manglier, Elderberries and Enchinacea. It works-well to aid in easing and lessening the symptoms  of the flu, colds, viral infections, as well as strengthen your respiratory system so you can have a calm and relaxed sleep.

Manglier – Manglier is grown in Southern Louisiana and has a 200+ history in Creole, Native American, and Cajun Communities for use during cold, flu, and respiratory-related infections.

Elderberries - Used by the ancient Egyptians as traditional medicine, loaded with antioxidants and vitamins not only fight against viral infections but also reduce stress and promote your heart health.

Enchinacea - Used by native Americans for hundreds of years to recover common cold, seasonal fever, and relief from the sore throat. It also boosts the immune system.

Our proprietary blend helps your body:

  • Boost its immune system naturally
  • Better handle and support respiratory health
  • Enrich itself with antiseptic properties to better treat cold/flu and other viral infections
  • Fight COVID and upper respiratory symptoms

Ingredients: Organic Elderberries, Enchinacea, Manglier, and more…. (full ingredient list will be on packaging)

Preparation: Add 1-1 ½ tablespoon in 6-10 ounces water. Boil water and steep for 10-15 minutes minimum. The longer you steep the stronger it well be. Strain, add lemon and sweeten with raw honey or your sweetener of choice.

Now, sit back, relax, enjoy and BE WELL!


These are old faith healing and Native Indian and Creole remedies. “These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration."

Production Time:  Due to the increase in Covid-19 cases and the fact that our teas are hand crafted/blended production can take between 2-3 days.

Shipping Alert:  Please note that the United States Postal Service is experiencing unprecedented package increases and limited employee availability due to Covid-19.

Sale price$20.00

Size: 1oz Loose Leaves Blend Kit (8 cups)